Aching Away

Me: Don't prod me, my muscles are still aching.
Jess: Yea, I know. You walk like an auntie.


Two days of rest and I still feel like a patient with muscle dystrophy (severe weakening of muscles).

Anyway, I my mum got myself me two new books today! It's like Christmas has come 10 days earlier! WAKAKAKKA.

These are the books:

Can't wait to get down to them. Can't wait to share them even more.

In 2 hours time, I'll be at Jinn's BBQ party. I actually almost forgot to make something for the potluck. Heck, I even forgot about going to start with. Luckily I thought of something easy to make. Too bad I don't have my camera with me now, the dish looks awesome-ness.

I'll blog more about this later. Min Huei out.


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