Moral Reasoning Exercises

The world is in chaos. In 30 minutes time, an atomic bomb will hit the area you live in. There is no time for escape and no where to hide. However, the government has build several vaults around the country which will protect people from the blast. Vault 18 has just enough room and food for 6 people to live in for 10 years, but there is 10 people who is on the list. The vault will only be opened after 10 years. The supervisor of the vault has to pick the 6 to be shortlisted to ensure the survival of mankind. You are the supervisor of vault 18.

This is the list of the 10 people:

1. A 19 year old gay professional violinist.
2. A 75 year old priest.
3. A 22 year old ex-prostitute.
4. A 35 year old female physician with past racial issues.
5. A 23 year old ex-militant with anger management problems. He owns a gun.
6. A 16 year old girl with delinquency issues and low IQ scores. She is pregnant.
7. A 40 year old African experienced male engineer with cancer.
8. A 12 year old boy with binge eating problems. He consumes 2 times the food of normal individuals.
9. A 20 year old female with mental depression and psychosis. Doctors say she has to be on continuous medication.
10. A 21 year old male who is the boyfriend of N0. 9. He strongly insists that he will not go into the vault without his girlfriend.

* All individuals are Caucasians unless dully noted.

Q1: Which 6 will you pick and why? (You MUST pick exactly 6.) (You have 30 minutes to decide, remember the bomb.)

Q2: If you were to be considered in the 6 people to be chosen, will you pick yourself? Why and why not?


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