The truth will set you free.

Extracted from David Icke's Infinite Love is The Only Truth, Everything Else is Illusion. You can read the entire book here.

The Bible, when portrayed as the actual word of God, is the most destructive book on earth. The literal rather than symbolic interpretation, no matter how contradictory, leaves no room for independent thought or reappraisal in the light of new understanding. It is a sheep pen for the mind. There is no question, no discussion, no debate. The religion dictates what is and what isn't and that's all you need to know. The sight of soldiers praying to God and asking Jesus for support
before battles of mass murder in Iraq reveals a level of contradiction, self-delusion and childlike naivety that beggars belief. I also cringe when I see sports people crossing their chests and asking Jesus to help them win. What has he got against their opposition then? An England rugby captain said when appointed that he had always believed this was what the Lord had planned for him. I am sure Jesus thought of nothing else. 'Say, Dad, we need a new England rugby captain, but leave it to me, I've got just the bloke.' And God saw that it was good.


  1. Anonymous said...
    hmmm thought provoking indeed... soldiers praying before battles of modern days... i just wonder what is really right now...
    Anonymous said...
    i loled at the last line

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