This views are subjective and does not express or imply the current situations of any known churches or its members.

Many churches are progressing towards building a church without walls, a church that steps out from the comfortable spaces of the Christian community to be able to step out and influence the world they live in. However, there is one problem that can be often missed; although we might be breaking the walls on the outside of th church, we silently build walls within the church, within ministry.

Ministry has three primary objectives:

1. To Fulfill the Great Commandment
Matthew 22: 37-38 Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.

People active in ministries need to serve primarily out of their love towards God. Ministry is one of the ways we can express our love for God, but it is not the only. In fact, the only way to be joyfully effective in ministry in through God's anointing and grace, and no amount of hard work and discipline can replace that. That is why we need to ensure that the people in ministry are always walking with God.

General tip: Pray. A lot. And read the living word.

2. To Fulfill the Great Commission
Matthew 22: 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’

Regardless of focus, each ministry must not fail to continually love each other. Duty or responsibilities must not precede this. In reality, it is really easy to forget that the people we work with, the people we meet everyday and even the people we have yet to know are still human beings like us. They still have feelings and emotions and are subject to personal biases. They still want to feel loved. Some people go by the saying, "If you love a person enough, you will tell them the truth even if it hurts." However, this only applies to those who are close enough to you. Ministries are also becoming more and more isolated the same way cell groups are; members only mixing within the ministry. How is it possible to have a church without walls if we fail to look beyond our task differences? Ministries are also becoming hierarchical. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes we think we are unworthy of doing the smaller things or we think others to be unworthy to do the bigger things.

General tip: Don't stereotype and be friendly ALL the time. It never hurts to smile.

3. To Fulfill the Cultural Mandate
Genesis 1: 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Lastly, ministry serves to provide a relevant platform for us to reach out to the lost world; providing a helpful hand in time of need, a beacon of hope in trying times and a honorary example in all fields. When we are in ministry, we are showing the world how walking with God can be like. Can it be fun? Can it be life-changing? Can it be something even a normal person can try? Ministry shows the world that even ordinary beings can do extraordinary things. Sometimes, we get so involved in the responsibilities of ministry that we forget about loving God and loving people. Always focus on loving God first, then people, then only do you get the task done. If you somehow hurt or offended someone in the middle of ministry, stop. Tend to the person in need, then continue (Matthew 5: 23-24). If your job involves rebuking someone, it doesn't mean you have to do it in a bad way. Be sensitive to others. Never, ever have this mentality: "I'm only doing my job."

General tip: Do the job well, after making sure you are still loving God and people righteously.

Yes: THE OBJECTIVES OF MINISTRY IS THE SAME OF ANY OTHER ORDINARY MEMBER. The only difference is in terms of responsibilities. Yet, we sometimes act as if those responsibilities are exclusive, reserved for certain special people, providing us with certain special benefits are protections.

Let's not live it this way.

Let's break down the walls.


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