My spectacles detached a few days ago, and immediately I felt that sense of helplessness, insecurity, fear, dread, and pain. Although I had spares around, they weren't the same as the ones I was already used to. They were different. And after a flicker of a moment, I was a different person, my personality so transformed by a single entity: the spectacles.
We wear many masks throughout our life. The question to ask is not how many masks we are able to don. The question is do we have a true face behind all that masquerade? When something happens and all that disguise is tripped away, what are we left with? Are we just a cold empty shell? Or do we really have our true selves hidden away?
You live in an average family, brought up with an average lifestyle, go to an average school, score average results, make friends with average peers, have average amounts of stress, graduate with an average certification, get pay averagely to do an average job, fall in love with an average person, get married and grow average children. All the time being happy.
But, at those rare moments in time, when the world seems to stop around you, you start to look at others. Those better off in richer families. Those suffering in families in poverty. Those people who are more successful than you. Those people who try with all their heart but never got a chance to succeed. Than you ask yourself: Is he world a fair place? For a moment you reflect on your life, you wonder what went wrong and what went right. Then in a blur of a moment, the world moves into motion again, and your thoughts are swept away, never to be mentioned till the next fleeting moment.
Sometimes it visits us again. Sometimes it never. And it has always been a graceful game of choice. There is no forced decision. Yes, there might be greener pastures on this side of the fence, but it is still up to you. Despite what the world claims, turning around to the other side does not make you a stupid, idiotic, irrational person. Just because you exercised your freedom, suddenly everything else around you falls, rots and repels itself of you.
But you knew. You knew that you have made the right choice. You know that the path you take will lead you to places that can touch the heart, the mind, the body, the soul. Places that can make you cry out of joy, out of love, out of enjoyment.
No matter where you go, there will be people around you. And when you try to meet expectations again, you naturally start to wear your mask again, forgetting about the true meaning behind every stage. And all is forgotten.
Till you wear the repaired spectacles again, you know that the experience will be different. But you know that this is what you want. This is what kept you going all these years. And you will be willing to sacrifice all you have for everything that you believe in.
Never letting anyone step on it, condemn it, deface it.
Never lose that passion.
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