Time To Sit Down And Contemplate

The hardest challenge in life is not about making the right choices. I mean, sometimes choices are so scripted because people are in a way coded to choose either mostly good or mostly bad choices. But what happens when there are no good choices to start with? What happens when every option we have ends up with something nasty or end up conflicting with our moral principles? Most people get confused and try to escape from making any decision. But these type of encounters haunt you till you decide. You can never run away forever.

And you choose the bad choice (since there weren't any good ones to start with).

And somehow you try to keep your world around you from falling down. You try to console yourself and keep yourself positively minded, even though it might be faked. Guilt seeps in, paralyzing you from taking any further step of improvement. You start thinking that it had always been your fault.

Life is interesting.

Yes, you've fallen in a pit. But it doesn't mean you can't get back out. You'd only failed once you tell yourself that you have lost. Be a fast learner, and learn from your mistakes. Make your weaknesses your strengths. Be a conqueror.

1. This decision will affect your life. Pick one.
A. Bad choice
B. Bad choice
C. Bad choice
D. Bad choice

Look at it this way:

1. This decision will affect your life. Pick one.
A. Bad choice
B. Better choice
C. Bad choice
D. Bad choice

Life looks brighter already, huh?

When things seem upside down, turn yourself upside down too. Things will look up again.

People who fail only make bad choices.
People who succeed only make good choices.
People who survive make good and bad choices.
However, people who change the world make bad choices and change that bad choice into a good one.

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw

P.S.: Sorry bout this long rant-like post. Just feel like crapping.


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